Malcolm Bornmann, PPJ 01
Malcolm Bornmann, PPJ 01
List of Completed Tasks
- Met with new team for the first time to get on the same page and discuss deliverables and roles, I volunteered to work on the Art Team and Design Team (1 hour)
- Reviewed Oil and Cordite documentation from Workshop 1 to familiarize myself with the game (30 min)
- Brainstormed ideas in Discord throughout week about lighting, models, character design, level design, mood boards, and story (3 hours)
- Created mood board for level design, finding and compiling reference images (1 hours)
Total number of hours: 5hr 30min
Sample(s) of work:
The mood board I created which helped spark ideas about level creation
What Went Right: We have lots of great ideas about how we can move forward with the game! The Journey's End Team offers skill sets in art and story, something that pairs well with the direction the original Oil and Cordite Team wanted to go in.
What Went Wrong:
This week was messy. It took a while to adjust to the new team size, dynamic, and management systems, we had members miss meetings, new members join throughout the week, communication failures, and an overall imbalance of who did what for the deliverables. As we feel more comfortable with each other and the direction of the game, hopefully all of this will be ironed out, but for the time being, I don't believe we are as unified and efficient as we should be.
Working on Next:
- Refine level design ideas with Design Team
- Provide ideas and feedback to Art Team as needed
- Help update playtest survey
- Contribute to status report presentation
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