Jacob Dixey PPJ #7
Jacob Dixey PPJ #7
Hide UI - 1 hour
Tweak Movement Numbers - 1 hour
Piercing Speed and Enemies - 1.5 hours
Tweak Gas Explosion Particles - .5 hours
Revamp Speed boost from Gas Cloud - 2 hours
Update Level 1 - .5 hours
Create Level 2 - 2 hours
Help Richard with UI and Controller Support - 1 hour
Spin out and Ignition Can't be used at the same time - 1 hour
Welded Weapons Skeleton - 1.5
Sell Pitch - 1 hour
Gas Explosion Particles
Level 2
Welded Weapons Skeleton
Lots of work got into the build this week, work that brings the game closer to the original vision of the game. Things are really starting to come together to make the game simply enjoyable to move around in.
Much of the work that got in this week was programming work. We still need to pick it up on the art side.
I'm going to be focusing on finishing the welded weapons system. I'll take the advice I got during the sell pitch to make sure it doesn't negatively impact the core game loop so the actual design of the system is still subject to change.
Hide UI - 1 hour
Tweak Movement Numbers - 1 hour
Piercing Speed and Enemies - 1.5 hours
Tweak Gas Explosion Particles - .5 hours
Revamp Speed boost from Gas Cloud - 2 hours
Update Level 1 - .5 hours
Create Level 2 - 2 hours
Help Richard with UI and Controller Support - 1 hour
Spin out and Ignition Can't be used at the same time - 1 hour
Welded Weapons Skeleton - 1.5
Sell Pitch - 1 hour
Gas Explosion Particles
Level 2
Welded Weapons Skeleton
Lots of work got into the build this week, work that brings the game closer to the original vision of the game. Things are really starting to come together to make the game simply enjoyable to move around in.
Much of the work that got in this week was programming work. We still need to pick it up on the art side.
I'm going to be focusing on finishing the welded weapons system. I'll take the advice I got during the sell pitch to make sure it doesn't negatively impact the core game loop so the actual design of the system is still subject to change.
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