Abigail Mickey Final PPJ

Time Spent

UI Assets - 3 Hours
UI Tweaks - 1 Hour
Slide Proofing 1 Hour

Total Time - 5 Hours


Personal Postmortem


  1. We were able to pull together everything we had each week and provide a functioning game.
  2. We did not have any major arguments or disagreements during the entire length of production.
  3. Everyone managed to contribute in some sort of significant way


  1. Most work ended up taking place the night before or day of submission
  2. There were some initial goals that we did not quite reach
  3. There were a few minor communication issues

Notes for the Future

Going into the future I know that I personally need to do a better job of keeping up with work and making team meetings. I think that this quarter posed a number of unique challenges that our team met well as a whole though certain issues may have been easier to deal with were we able to to meet in person.


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