Peter Eldredge PPJ #5
Bug Fixes/Random Tweaks and Testing/Polish - 3 Hours
Scoring System - 3 Hours
Particle Implementation - .5 Hours
Particle Implementation - .5 Hours
Death Sequence - 1 Hour
Victory Sequence - .5 Hours
Main Menu Updates - .5 Hours
Team Meeting - 1 Hour
Team Meeting - 1 Hour
I definitely feel like this was not a great week for our team getting stuff done. I'm pretty disappointed by the work that was done for the most part, even though we explicitly tried to set in stone that everything should be done by Wednesday. I do think overall we were able to polish up the game to an acceptable state, even though whether or not some additional art is up in the air.
Bug Fixes/Random Tweaks and Testing/Polish
A lot of time was spent fixing minor issues and tweaking things, that I'm not going to go into detail here with. I helped Jake with the audio system he worked on, as well as looked into some issues he was having with it.Scoring System
My biggest time commitment this week was the Scoring System. You can now set the requirements for each rank as well as the par time in the Level scriptable object.
The Mission Controller system has been updated so that new missions can be created by just deriving from the base Mission Controller. This class takes in the Level data that you see above and can calculate the score during the level as well as the final rank.
Scoring is calculation is fairly simple. Each enemy is worth a specific amount of points that we can set, currently that is 250 for the laser bots. Whenever one of these enemies is defeated you get that base score applied. Additionally, 100 points (also tweakable) is added multiplied by your current combo. So if your current combo is 2, when you defeat an leaser bot you will get 250 + 2 * 100 for 450 points. 1 is added to this combo for each enemy defeated, however whenever the combo is added to the combo timer is also reset to a value (4 seconds currently). This timer ticks down until it reaches 0, at which point the combo resets to 0.
In addition to the base scoring you get from killing enemies, you also get a time bonus. The par time score can be set (right now 5000) and this is bonus points you will get for completing the mission in the par time. However, if you complete the mission faster or slower than the par time, you will get an added multiplier to that score. For example, if the par time is 30 seconds and you complete the level in 15, you will get double the par time score, so 10000 points. If you complete the level in 60 seconds, you will get half, or 2500 points.
These scores are then added together and compared against the Ranking Score Requirements to determine your Rank (Platinum - Bronze).
Particle Implementation
I implemented the particles for when the player and enemy are destroyed, as well as the brief slowdown for when an enemy is hit.
Death Sequence
The player now explodes when they die, the particles are spawned, and the player controller and camera controller are disabled. Each enemy will also stop targeting the player. This sits for a couple seconds, and then then the Death Screen pops up, allowing you to retry or go back to the main menu.
Victory Sequence
When a mission is completed, the final score is calcuated and then the victory screen pop up, allowing you to view your score, rank, retry, or go back to the main menu.
Main Menu Updates
The Par Time and Scoring Requirements are now displayed in the level select.
Art Implementation
I was planning on doing additional art implementation, specifically for the UI, but I did not receive any other art in time to implement it.
Team Notes
We made the game feel a lot better with only a few things, such as particles, sounds, and control tweaks. However, if we had more art and UI to implement on time, the presentation could have been improved greatly. Additionally, I have been forced to implement the vast majority of systems, not all of which were assigned to me. This is partrially because I felt the implementations did not meet my expected level of quality, but also because they were just ignored by the person who was meant to implement them originally. This meant I again couldn't get to the enemy systems, which is what my initial job was supposed to be since early in the term. I will admit this has gotten pretty frustrating.
I'll cartainly be polishing stuff next week and implementing new art. But it really is up in the air as to what I'll end up having to implement.
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